Music theory basics: the major scale
In this article you will learn more about the major scale.
In this article you will learn more about the major scale.
Today we want to share our new Spotify Playlist with you! This time it's all about the minor third interval.
Major sounds brighter and minor gives a darker sound. Read on to learn more about major and minor.
Practice your ears and learn more about the minor sixth.
Today's topic: "What is a minor chord, or minor triad?" In this video you will learn how to construct and identify a minor chord.
A series of videos to explain music theory in small chunks of information. Today Part 3 - Flat
Today's topic: "What is a minor third?" In this video you will learn how to construct and identify a minor third interval in 30 seconds.
Today we want to share our new Spotify Playlist with you! This time it's all about the minor second interval.
We've made a new Spotify Playlist this week! This time we take a look at the perfect fifth and teach you how to identify it by ear.
Today we start something new: Sonids Spotify Playlists! We start with the Perfect Prime interval.
Practicing scales is a way to get control over your instrument. What defines a scale, and how are they built?
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