minor seventh
Gerelateerde intervallen
The Minor seventh from C is an B
Which chords use the minor seventh interval?
Which scales use the minor seventh interval?
C MinorC Minor luesC BeopC DorianC MixolydianC PhrygianC LocrianC Mixolydian pentatonicC EgyptianC Neopolitan major pentatonicC IwatoC In-senC Malkos ragaC Locrian pentatonicC Minor pentatonicC Whole tone pentatonicC Lydian dominant pentatonicC Super locrian pentatonicC PiongioC Prometheus neopolitanC PrometheusC Mystery sharp firstC Locrian majorC AlteredC Locrian sharp secondC Mixolydian flat sixthC Lydian dominantC Dorian flat secondC Locrian sixthC Dorian sharp fourC Leading whole toneC Lydian minorC Phrygian dominantC OrientalC FlamencoC EnigmaticC Spanish heptatonicC Beop minorC Beop locrianC Minor eopC Half whole diminishedC Kafi ragaC Composite luesC Messiaen's mode sharp thirdC Chromatic