augmented fourth
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The Augmented fourth from D is an G
Which chords use the augmented fourth interval?
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Which scales use the augmented fourth interval?
D LydianD Lydian pentatonicD Lydian sharp fifth pentatonicD Lydian dominant pentatonicD Prometheus neopolitanD PrometheusD Whole toneD Messiaen's mode sharp fifthD Doule harmonic lydianD AlteredD Lydian dominantD Lydian augmentedD Dorian sharp fourD Lydian diminishedD Leading whole toneD Lydian minorD Hungarian minorD FlamencoD Todi ragaD Lydian sharp ninthD Messiaen's mode sharp fourthD Purvi ragaD Half whole diminishedD messiaen's mode sharp sixthD Messiaen's mode sharp thirdD Messiaen's mode sharp seventh