augmented fourth
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The Augmented fourth from F is an B
Which chords use the augmented fourth interval?
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Which scales use the augmented fourth interval?
F LydianF Lydian pentatonicF Lydian sharp fifth pentatonicF Lydian dominant pentatonicF Prometheus neopolitanF PrometheusF Whole toneF Messiaen's mode sharp fifthF Doule harmonic lydianF AlteredF Lydian dominantF Lydian augmentedF Dorian sharp fourF Lydian diminishedF Leading whole toneF Lydian minorF Hungarian minorF FlamencoF Todi ragaF Lydian sharp ninthF Messiaen's mode sharp fourthF Purvi ragaF Half whole diminishedF messiaen's mode sharp sixthF Messiaen's mode sharp thirdF Messiaen's mode sharp seventh