augmented fourth
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The Augmented fourth from E is an A
Which chords use the augmented fourth interval?
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Which scales use the augmented fourth interval?
E LydianE Lydian pentatonicE Lydian sharp fifth pentatonicE Lydian dominant pentatonicE Prometheus neopolitanE PrometheusE Whole toneE Messiaen's mode sharp fifthE Doule harmonic lydianE AlteredE Lydian dominantE Lydian augmentedE Dorian sharp fourE Lydian diminishedE Leading whole toneE Lydian minorE Hungarian minorE FlamencoE Todi ragaE Lydian sharp ninthE Messiaen's mode sharp fourthE Purvi ragaE Half whole diminishedE messiaen's mode sharp sixthE Messiaen's mode sharp thirdE Messiaen's mode sharp seventh